Staying happy and stress free as much as possible is key to living a longer and healthier life. When you feel healthy, energetic and stress free, it translates to more youthful appearance. But, given the kind of lifestyle we are living and the diet we follow, it is not always possible to be at our b...
4 reasons to use Coral shake products
Whether you’re looking to improve your health, your physique, or even to achieve a combination of both, one thing that we can all agree on, is the fact that nutritional supplements, if used correctly, can prove to be incredibly beneficial. In terms of getting into shape, no matter what your goals ma...
Health Benefits of Calcium
The body needs all essential nutrients each day so that it can function well, repair, replace and build the body tissues and muscles, give the body energy and help in fighting infections and diseases. However, most people don’t get enough nutrients from their diet because of their eating habits, or ...
What is Pau D’Arco
Pau d’arco (or Lapacho) is an herb found in the rainforests of the Amazon and in South and Latin America. Pau d’arco bark has been used by indigenous Latin populations for centuries to address a spectrum of health problems and today its strong resistance to harmful organisms is still appreciated. Pa...
What is Taurine?
Taurine is an amino acid that supports neurological development and helps regulate the level of water and minerals in the blood. Taurine is also thought to have antioxidant properties.Taurine occurs naturally in fish and meat. The mean daily intake from omnivore diets was determined to be around...